I have tried to hang in there with Book Crawler, but with this last release all of my patience tokens have been redeemed and I’m going to look elsewhere. I am a long time satisfied user of BC on my iPhone and a long suffering disappointed user of BC on my Mac. BC has all the potential to be an outstanding app, but it continues to have serious problems and what few issues have been addressed since I started trying to use the Mac version have been very slllooooowwwww in coming. This is clearly a product with a single developer working on it in his spare time. Product testing is close to non-existent. In an hour’s time I could put together a list of a dozen obvious problems that should never have been in a released product.
Today I fired up version 1.5 for the first time. It started with a progress bar and a message saying my database was being updated. Updated was an unusual way to describe what happened. When the “updating” was done, my database was gone. Not a single book record was available. Luckily, I have database backups on Dropbox, so I imported by latest backup. It loaded successfully, but now all of the pictures fo the book covers are gone. Nothing but grey covers with the book name in white text.
I give up. I’ve spent several hours with previous versions trying to figure out repairs and workarounds for this app’s problems. I’m an old man. I can’t wait any longer. So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Jack Madomo about Book Crawler